Portable appliances are an essential part of our modern-day life. From the very basic plug-and-play mobile phone charger power adaptor to a fixed-wired electric cooker, from IT equipment such as a computer to a toaster, everything is defined as a portable appliance.
Legally every organisation must adequately maintain all the portable electrical appliances on their premises to ensure that they are safe for continued use.
A portable appliance test (PAT) is itself not a legal requirement, which means it is not mandatory. However, PAT testing is the easiest and most comprehensive way for organisations to identify if any of their portable appliances require maintenance and to prove that they have complied with the legal requirement of ensuring all portable electrical appliances in service on their premises are safe.
The portable appliance testing process involves visual inspection and meter testing. The visual inspection determines if the appliance is physically sound and undamaged, so it does not risk the user’s safety. The meter testing is carried out with specialist testing equipment to confirm that the appliance is electrically safe. PAT-failed appliances must be repaired to the industry standard and re-tested before being put back in service.
Every portable appliance must be tested where the appliance is in use or intended to be used, and it must be re-tested periodically. Not all appliances need testing as often as others. The frequency of portable appliance testing varies according to the location of the appliance, the type of appliance and its use.
The recommended frequency of portable appliance testing is outlined in the document published by IET, Code of Practice for In-service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment. In some cases, a risk assessment may be required and any such risk assessment must be regularly reviewed to determine the further test frequency of particular appliances.
ShineTech Electrical Services offers a competitive and reliable portable appliance testing service on the plug-in and fixed-wired electrical appliances in all boroughs of London and across the home counties.
Our PAT service can be tailored to accommodate the needs of all organisations, large or small.